2014 New Year’s Resolutions: A New Beginning

Every year I make [the dreaded] new year’s resolution list. While slightly short of cliche, it’s one of my favorite traditions. In fact, I keep it in a small, hidden box alongside my dresser that holds all of my previous years’ resolutions. It’s fun to look back on them and see what was important to me in previous years. Usually my lists consist of 10+ resolutions – I am not an overachiever by any means; I merely think that, if I have more, I will accomplish more over the year.

While I will continue my tradition of writing them down in my box of secrets, I thought I would share a few of them on here as well (hopefully I encourage the spirit amongst some of you!)

1. Lose 10 Pounds

Who doesn’t have this goal? I think that it has been on my list for over five years (try six or seven)! However, as I’ve grown into adult status, I’ve started becoming more realistic in the sense that I need to create “smart” goals in order to attain them. Really, ten pounds in one year is less than a pound a month. That’s 100% doable! So, this is my short-term goal: to lose one pound per month. However, I would also like to get fit; losing ten pounds means very little to me if I don’t gain some muscle along with it. My side goal for 2014 is to fit into a size 2 jeans. I’m currently about a 4 so losing one pant size will be a welcome accomplishment.

2. Obtain a Job

Vague? Yes. However, there is more to this idea than those 3 words. As I have previously mentioned, I am graduating from college in May 2014. I am searching for an entry-level recruiting position in human resources, and I would like to start making a decent salary (I have the number in my head, but I do not wish to share it with the world) with benefits (once again vague) that is preferably located somewhere without dramatic winters.

3. Find a Companion

Not a companion as in a male (or female) companion – I already have a wonderful man in my life. This resolution is referring to a pet. 2014 is the year that I will get a dog. Growing up on a farm, there were always dogs and animals running around. It’s a lifestyle that I grew fond of, and, unfortunately, I haven’t found the opportunity to get my own. The absence of a pet has been an incredible burden on my life, especially when Garrett works late or is out of town. I often get lonely, even when I’m with people, due to the fact that there is not a fuzzy friend waiting for me at home. Anyone who has grown up with pets and are animal lovers will know what I’m talking about!

4. Enjoy a Healthier Lifestyle

The days of college are soon to be ending, and I’m ready (and have been for a long time) to find a healthier style of living. While I eat relatively healthy and exercise already, there is much room for improvement. Not only would I like a constant clutter free, clean home, but I would also like to cook regularly, partake in my hobbies, and spend time with new friends. Working full-time and attending school gives me very little time for a social life or free time in general, and I need that to change in order to fully enjoy the life that I have been given. Graduating from college will finally give me this opportunity and will relieve an incredible amount of stress (can you tell I’m excited to graduate?!)

5. Lose Verbal Fillers

“Like,” “um,” and “uh” are frequent terms in my vocabulary. This needs to be something I start to monitor and stray away from, especially since I will be moving into a professional setting in the near future. This is a goal that I have already set for myself and have been trying to change, but I would like to accomplish by the end of the upcoming year.

6. Plan for a Family

Yes, another vague goal. I’m currently 23-years-old, and I am ready to start thinking about having a family. Would I like to start it in 2014? No, however, I would like to start preparing financially, emotionally, and internally. Currently, I’m a cigarette smoker, for example, and, while I don’t smoke on a regular basis, I need to cut this out completely. There is no way that I want to get pregnant (on purpose or on accident) with tobacco and other terrifying ingredients soaked inside my body. Also, I have very little money saved, as I am a college student, and, whether I want to think about getting married or having kids, financial security is a must.

I’m sure there will be plenty more to come (probably a million small, easily attainable goals), but I think this is a good head start. January 1, 2013 is right around the corner, and I’m more than ready for a change!

What are your goals for 2014?

XO Abby

Ulta Black Friday Special – Review

Up until this time, I’ve recommended products, provided my beauty wish lists, and left some comments about things that I love. This will be my first review post on this blog, and, although I haven’t given many reviews in the past, I’d like to start sharing my experiences more often. I was inspired by my disappointment in one of my Black Friday purchases. This is my first time shopping on Black Friday, and it honestly might be one of the last. I’ve heard that companies make products in lesser quality in order to sell them at a lower cost, and, as a future business professional, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I bought Ulta’s Starry Lights Light Up Blockbuster over the weekend for only $17 (a $200 value), thinking that it was a great price, and that I’d like to try a “starter kit” to get my collection a little bigger. I’m always weary about buying store brands, but Ulta has such a good name that I figured it was worth $17.


There is no way that I would have bought this for anything more than the price I paid for it. I’m extremely disappointed in the quality and layout of this deal. As shown in the picture above, there are two sides to this case. Let me start out by saying that if you flip it upside down to get to the other side, all of the product immediately falls out. What a waste! They should have made it a tiered opening with shelves. Next, it includes 42 eye shadows, which is a very high number, and I was excited to get more colors in my collection. However, the colors are way too bright for my liking and there are hardly enough neutrals, darks, or lighter colors. The thing I dislike the most about this eye shadow is that you need to triple coat it in order to even see any color. Plus, there is a ton of fallout instantly, it’s not well made, and it is incredibly frustrating.

It explains that there is an interchangeable compact with 5 eye shadow pans and 3 lipstick pans, but that isn’t accurate either (or I just can’t figure it out, but that’s silly – I’m not that new to makeup). I used the brow pencils twice, and I already need to sharpen them, and the lip glosses are incredibly gooey.

I’m glad that I only spent $17 on this, but I’m appalled that Ulta sells this for $200. It is definitely not worth the price. I will probably still use this somewhat regularly since my makeup collection is a little bare, and I try not to waste the things I buy, but I’m very disappointed and would not recommend it.

Has anyone else tried this product? What do you think about it?

Did you get anything over Black Friday that you were disappointed with as well?

Holiday Wish List 2013

Abby… Where have you been?! It’s been a pretty crazy week (or two?), and I’ve kind of fallen off a cliff. I haven’t blogged, exercised, or really spent any time on myself for too long! Since it’s almost December, I thought I would put together a little wish list. I already started my Christmas shopping (just a few things here and there), and it’s difficult not to find things that sound so great for myself!

1. Coats/Jackets Living in Wisconsin, it’s best to have at least three coats: an incredibly warm jacket, a nice pea coat, and an everyday pea coat. Unfortunately, I only have one jacket and it’s a pea coat that’s in it’s second season. It’s beautiful and of great quality, but it’s seen better days and doesn’t keep me as warm as I need it to. However, I found a few that I LOVE:

Banana Republic: Fit and Flare Wool Coat

The North Face: Women’s Arctic Parka (in burgundy)

2. Women’s Chino Pants I absolutely love this fit and style. I think they are so cute and can be dressed up or dressed down!

J. Crew: Andie Chino

Ralph Lauren: Boyfriend Chinos

3. New Jeans I have two pairs of jeans that I wear on a regular basis, and I really hate them. They are so old and thin from being washed so many times… it’s time to upgrade!

Roxy: Sunburners 2 Jeans (Sugar Coral)


American Eagle: Skinny Jean (Black – Super Stretch or Authentic Medium)

Skinny Jean - Black - Super Stretch

Skinny Jean - Authentic Medium

J. Crew: Toothpick Jean (Classic Rinse Wash)

Toothpick jean in classic rinse wash

4. Hair and Skin Care

All of these products are going to be from Lush. I couldn’t ask for a better product for my skin and hair.

Lush: Big Shampoo

Big Shampoo

Lush: Okra Conditioner


Lush: H’Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment

H'Suan Wen Hua

Lush: Oatfix Face Mask


Lush: Cosmetic Warrior Face Mask

Brazened Honey

5. Makeup

Goodness, this could go on forever. Please visit my “Needed Nine in November” for a few ideas of what I want. The list is forever growing!

Christmas is coming fast! There’s only four weekends away, and I feel like I’m running out of time to shop already! However, I’m really excited to get out the Christmas tree, decorate the apartment, and start wrapping presents. I’ll post a few pictures as well!

What is your holiday wish list looking like this year?

XO Abby

Fitness Forever

I haven’t written a post for a little while (well, I just published one, but that was started/drafted the beginning of this week), so I thought I would give a little insight as to why. As I’ve previously touched on, I love working out. It’s a great stress release, relaxing, thought-provoking, healthy, and all around fun! However, it tires. me. out. When I get home, I usually have to work on a couple hours of homework, eat, and like to spend time with Garrett before I get to go to the gym. By the time I go it’s anywhere between 8:00 – 10:00 p.m., and I’m usually ready to shower and go to bed after my workout. To sum it all up, I haven’t been as diligent on my blog as usual because I’ve worked out every day this week and am exhausted afterward.


Anyway, I’m proud to say that I have lost eight pounds in the past two months. While eight pounds isn’t that much, I don’t weight that much either so it does make a huge difference (notice picture above). I gained about 10-15 pounds between July and the beginning of September (as I said in my last fitness post, I would rather not explain why, but it was a necessary and uncontrollable weight gain), and it’s time for me to lose it as it’s not necessary anymore. I bought a membership to a gym by my apartment, about 2 city blocks away, and I started working out on a regular basis – about 3-4 times a week for about 20-60 minutes. While it’s incredibly important to have a healthy diet if you’re trying to lose weight, I decided to keep a similar diet since I’m already a pretty healthy person. However, I decided to change the way I ate. For example, instead of waiting until I get home (around 5:30 p.m.) to eat, I started bringing snacks to graze on throughout the day and then eat a small to normal size meal for dinner (see more helpful tricks below!)

A few people have noticed my weight loss and have asked what my secret is. My immediate response is “diet and exercise.” I mean, I haven’t started meth – what else is there?! Really, though, it’s not just about the exercise and change in eating habits. I’ll share some of my “secrets” with you below, but please be sure you note that I am not a dietician or a fitness professional:


Let me start off by saying that I am already a vegetarian and a pretty healthy one at that. I try to eat my veggies, fruits, and whole grains as often as I can.

  • Instead of eating one large meal a day, I started bringing a couple snacks with me to school or work. Even a few carrots, celery pieces, granola bars, oranges, apples, or other healthy snack is a great way to start. This not only kept my my tummy happy, but it also raised my metabolism.
  • Drinking more water was my first and foremast plan of action. I know that’s what everybody says, but I don’t think you truly understand how little water I drank. Instead of drinking the recommended eight glass a day, I usually had a maximum of two, even if I was working out. At first, the water made me gain a little bit of weight (“water weight”), but that eventually went away. I’m surprised to say that the extra water is actually encouraging the extra weight to melt away. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t go from two glasses to eight glasses, but I am drinking a minimum of four, which is double what I was before!
  • I made a pledge not to eat after 8:00 p.m. This may sound silly, but I believe in the theory that says late night eating turns into fat as you sleep. Plus, when I eat after 8:00 at night, it’s usually snacking on unhealthy foods like ice cream or chips. Of course, I make exceptions, but I try to stick to that time on a regular basis.
  • Substituting healthy sweets for unhealthy sweets was probably the hardest change I had to make. There were many times that I would go for the ice cream, chocolate, or other dessert when I wanted something sweet to eat at night. I’ve tried forcing myself not to eat anything for fear that I’d binge, but restricting yourself usually never ends up well. Instead, I tried eating fruit, like strawberries or blueberries to curve that craving. Sometimes, if I couldn’t control myself, I’d have a jolly rancher. Those are great because it gives you the satisfaction and lasts a long time.
  • One of the more important decisions that I made was to stop drinking. While I wasn’t drinking during the period that I gained weight, I knew that if I started having more fun, the alcohol would keep me stagnant or make me gain weight. I have gone out a few times, as I am 23 and like to have fun, but, if I do go out, it’s only once a week.


I have a plan for my fitness habits. When I first started working out on a regular basis, I decided from the middle of September – Thanksgiving, I would only do cardio. If I did any sort of strength training, it would only be crunches or core exercises. Why? I wanted to start developing strength in my muscles before actually focusing on them. I was extremely out of shape, even though I ran once or twice a week, and I needed to at least start to get used to working my body like that. Also, I do stretch before and after my workouts!

  • Monday: Garrett usually goes to the bar for trivia. I used to go with him, but, as I explained above, I’ve stopped drinking except for the rare Friday or Saturday night. Now, I go to the gym for about an hour!  Monday’s I try to push myself since it’s the beginning of the week. I usually do the weight loss function on the elliptical for 40 minutes. Usually the lower level I do on incline – 9, resistance -7 and the higher level I do on incline – 11, resistance – 9. It’s not very high, but I try to challenge myself to work as hard as I can. After 40 minutes, I switch over to the treadmill and run an 8-minute mile  on a level 3 incline.

  • Tuesday: Day off. This week I worked out on Tuesday, but I usually take this day to relax.
  • Wednesday: I usually run on the treadmill for about 40 minutes. I used to run marathons when I was younger, but now I can barely run for an hour (how embarrassing!) Wednesdays are usually spent on the fat burn function on the treadmill. I only go at a speed 6 (about 10-11 minute mile) on an incline of about 5.

  • Thursday: Believe it or not, I usually work out for 1-2 hours on Thursday’s. I love the show Project Runway, and I watch it on the elliptical every week! I do the same routine levels on the elliptical as I do on Monday, but I usually do it twice as long! Thursdays usually wear me out the most!
  • Friday: I usually switch up my treadmill and elliptical training and move on to a stationary bicycle. This I switch up every week, but I don’t usually work too hard. I mean, it’s Friday! It’s time to celebrate.
  • Saturday: Day off
  • Sunday: This is my wild card. I try to go for about 30 minutes, but I can do whatever I want. This not only gives me the option of having some fun, but it ensures that I don’t get sick of my routine. Sometimes I decide to jump rope, do the stairs, or other cardiovascular work out.

Let me know if you have any questions about this. I do occasionally do some strength training and have a lot of core exercises too! I think my explanation died around the fitness part!

What are your favorite diet and fitness techniques? I’d love to hear your ideas!

xoxo Abby

I Finally Found My Look

As previously mentioned, I’ve become a little “obsessed” with makeup. I use that term lightly as I’ve only become interested in it recently. I never used to wear any makeup on my face except the occasional mascara, eye liner, and eye shadow, but I’ve come a long ways since then. Playing with different beauty supplies and finding different ways to accentuate my features is so much fun! It’s like playing dress up every single day. What more could a girl ask for (besides world peace, a healthy Earth, a cure for all diseases, and food for all)? Right now, my collection of makeup supplies is pretty low compared to most beauty gurus, but it’s about 10 times the amount that I had about 2 months ago. The majority of my paychecks have gone to nice, expensive makeup, but, you know what, it’s totally worth it! I’d much rather be broke for a couple weeks than buy cheap makeup that’s not worth a penny. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely have a few drug store brands, but they usually never work out for me – especially foundation. That’s a big no-no, at least for me.

Anyway, earlier this past week I went on a little shopping spree. I knocked some things off of my Needed Nine in November list.

I tried to take a few pictures, but the lighting in my apartment is terrible, so I grabbed some pictures from the Internet:

Tarte BB Tinted Treatment 12-Hour Primer

It has honestly made my face look flawless. I don’t use it everyday since it can sometimes be too much on my face, as I have incredibly fair skin and freckles, but it gives me a great finish and lasts all day. I think I got a shade darker than I should have, but I try to mix it with other tinted primers that I have to tone it down a little. I’ll definitely buy it again (but in a shade lighter)!

bareMinerals Stroke of Light Eye Brightener

This is my new favorite beauty accessory. I will not leave the house without it! It’s incredibly light, brightening, and beautiful. I usually use a highlighting concealer under my eyes, but the ones I’ve tried have made my eyes feel a little heavy. bareMinerals products are to die for, and this one is a must have!

bareMinerals Marvelous Moxie Lip Liner

I actually haven’t tried this yet – I usually don’t wear lip liner unless I’m going out. I’ll definitely keep you updated with how this turns out, but I have no doubt it will be marvelous.

What kind of products are you loving right now?

xo Abby

Behind the Blog

I haven’t really included any personal posts or photos yet, so I thought I would dedicate a full post to a “get to know me” sort of idea. I just downloaded the WordPress app, which is incredibly user-friendly, and it’ll give me a better opportunity to include photos. Let’s get started:


My name’s Abby, and I’m 23-years-old. I’m currently in college as a Business Management major, and I’m interested in extending my career in Human Resources. I’ve been through a couple different majors and will be graduating May 2014 with 170 credits (50 more than I need to graduate!) It’s been an incredibly long ride as I’ve been in college for almost six years, but I’m finally almost done!

I currently live with my boyfriend, Garrett, and we have been together for a little over 2 years (October 2011). It’s been an interesting ride so far, but it’s been completely indescribable (in a beautiful way). We are looking to move out of Wisconsin when we graduate, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to move into the next chapter of our lives.


While I’ve expressed a few of my interests on my blog already, there will probably be plenty more categories to come. As previously shown, I’m into makeup, fitness, and some arts & crafts/DIY projects. You can see below for some pictures!

I don’t have a picture of all of my makeup – or even a cute picture of some of my makeup – so I’ll have to take one soon. This picture was taken while I was getting ready for Halloween. Usually I’m more organized and sit in front of a small vanity mirror in my bedroom, but my friends and I decided to just bring some into the bathroom where we would have more space. There was probably three times as many beauty supplies piled in the bathroom, but this is the only picture I took. More pictures coming soon!

Excuse the half naked, awkward picture of me, but it’s the only one I have to represent fitness. My body is not where I want it to be, but I won’t complain. It could (and has been) worse, and I’m back on my way to a happy, healthy body. I workout about 4 times a week (sometimes more but rarely any less). I will be posting my fitness routine and tips soon!

Have I mentioned that I love cooking?! I don’t think that I have, but I do love to cook! I’d like to note that I am a vegetarian and have been for almost six years. Maybe I’ll add a few recipes soon!

This is a DIY gift to Garrett. It was the infamous “Date Night in a Jar.” This was definitely a stolen idea (I’m sorry, I don’t remember who from. I think from the blog, The Green House), but it was so easy and fun to do!

As the name of my blog indicates, I’m a Wisconsin girl. I was born and raised in Wisconsin, and I have never lived anywhere else. This was my house growing up, a big, white farm house in the middle of no where. How stereotypical!

I think that gives a decent overview of some of my life. I’m sure I’ll post a few more posts like this in the future as well – updates and such.

XO Abby

Fitness is Fabulous

My past few posts have been about beauty products and skin care. While these things interest me, I think that my blog is strongly going in that direction, and I need to switch it up before that’s the entire content! One of my (almost) daily activities is working out. I have a membership to a local gym about two blocks away from my apartment. It’s more expensive than I can really afford, but it’s a necessity for a fitness guru living in a state where winter is half the year.

Unfortunately, I gained quite a bit of weight in the past six months (14 pounds total, but I’m I’m down to 9). I don’t want to get into how I gained so much weight so I will just say that it was for a good reason that I couldn’t actually control. Anyway, I have nine pounds to get back to my original weight, and a total of 11 pounds to get down to my goal weight.

Anyway, I’m trying to get into a regular routine, which is difficult when going to school and working full-time. I usually end up just going straight to the treadmill since I’ve always been a runner, but I need to start mixing in more strength training to my cardio like I used to. One of my new favorite things to do after a good run is to use my Nike Training App.

There are so many great work outs on this app, and they have completely kicked my butt. There are four different categories – get lean, get toned, get strong, and get focused – and you can choose easy, intermediate, or advanced levels within each category. My first time using it, I thought that I would start on intermediate; I mean, I’m a pretty athletic person and worked out consistently over the summer… Wrong!!! I could barely finish and was so sore the next day that I could barely move. If you’re looking for a good workout, check out the Nike Training App! The best part is, they have videos for every move. So helpful!

I also use My Fitness Pal to keep track of my progress. It’s so easy to use, and it’s so handy to have right on my phone. I love being able to see how much weight I’ve lost. It’s incredibly motivating and makes me more confident. Five pounds in one month is a lot of weight to lose, and I know that my progress will slow down after my extra weight has melted off, but it’s nice to see that my hard work has paid off so well.

I’ll make another post soon with my weekly fitness routine, but, for now, I’d like to hear what you guys do to stay fit! Leave a comment with your favorite exercises or even a routine if you have one!

xo Abby

Needed Nine in November

A little while ago, I thought it would be a great idea to make a list of up to ten things that I want to buy that month. I usually get stuck wanting a few things but wasting my money on something unnecessary and end up kicking myself for it. For example, a few weeks ago I needed to go down to Chicago for an interview and needed to make sure I saved money for gas, lunch, and fun. Instead, I spent $50 on Jameson for a Halloween party. So, to try and solve this, I’m going to start making a list of things that I’m “allowed” to buy that month. Even if I don’t get around to buying them all, it might encourage me to think twice about spending a good chunk of my paycheck on whiskey.

Since this month is November, I’m going to come up with nine things that I want (for alliteration purposes, of course). This month is all about beauty – I just can’t get enough!

1. Tarte BB Tinted Treatment 12-Hour Primer Broad Spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen

I never use primer, and I really need to start wearing it. My face needs extra moisturize, especially during the winter months. Plus, I’m incredibly pale and a little extra color wouldn’t hurt! I’ve heard so many great reviews of this product that I think it’s worth a shot! Tarte Cosmetics is my FAVORITE makeup brand. Not only is it great quality, but it is also animal friendly!

2. Tarte Clay Mineral Bronzer

I have this same thing in a powder, and I LOVE it. I would really like to start wearing a bronzer and contouring, which I haven’t ever done. I’ve seen this product on other people, and it looks so flawless! Anything from Tarte is a great investment.

3. Urban Decay Naked Palette

Obviously, this makeup palette is a must have in every girl’s kit. I can’t believe I haven’t invested in this already. I think if it was half the price I’d have this palette and the second one! I love the color options, and they would DEFINITELY look great with my skin tone :]

4. Sigma Brushes

I don’t have only one picture for this one… I want them all! I’m thinking about even buying a kit. I would like to purchase some of their vegan brushes, as I try to only purchase makeup that are animal friendly, especially cruelty free. However, I’ll definitely need to go in store to take a look at everything. Online photos can only do so much! I’ve never had nice brushes before, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

 This is one of the Essential Kits that I was thinking about. So pretty!

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills: The Pro Wax Kit

Anastasia Beverly Hills - The Pro Wax Kit

I have some pretty bushy eyebrows, and they are hard to keep on top of, to be honest. For some reason my eyebrow hair grows back so fast! I try to get in semi-regular wax sessions, but I tend to wait too long and then get stuck tweezing every morning. I’ve been looking for an eyebrow kit for awhile, and I think I found the one! (Though, I should just go to a salon…)

6. Make Up For Ever Aqua Brow


Even though I have big, bushy eyebrows, there are still some areas that need to be filled in. I’ve been watching a ton of YouTube videos on eyebrow makeup, and I’m ready to make that next step. I’m not sure what I should use on my eyebrows exactly, so I’m open to comments and suggestions! Keep in mind my eyebrows are incredibly dark.

7. Bare Minerals Original Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 15

I currently only own one foundation from Tarte – which I love – but I’ve used this foundation before, and it is incredible. It has such a great finish to it, and it never dried out my face. There are so many shades that everyone can find one that works for their skin tone. It’s award-winning and is a pretty good price!

8. Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipliner

This lipliner comes in ten shades, and they all look marvelous. It’s almost creamy to put on, which is great for my dry, cracked lips. Plus, it has long-lasting wear. What could be better?

9. Glo Solo Teeth Whitening

GLO - GLO Solo Teeth Whitening

I really want to whiten my teeth. I’ve always been afraid to do anything but simple drug store strips, but those don’t seem to work on my teeth. I think it’s time that I up the ante and try something more serious. I’ve seen some great reviews on this product, and I’m ready to take it to the next step.

Please share your comments and suggestions! I’d love to hear other products you’ve tried and loved.

❤ Abby

Daily Skin Care

I get a lot of questions about what my skincare routine is since I have “flawless” skin. While I may disagree with the commonly used term “flawless,” I will take the compliment nonetheless and share my daily routine. Before I begin, I should note that my skin is naturally very dry. During the winter, my skin will start flaking in the area between my eyebrows, around my temples, and on my chin. For those of you with oily skin, I will try to add my suggestions that are comparable with the products I use to moisturize the crap out of my face. Also, I want to mention that while I am usually always broke and don’t usually spend a lot of money on things, there are a few categories that I will spend A LOT of money on, including hair products, makeup, and skincare. I want to keep my body as healthy as possible, and if that means buying more expensive items, so be it.

Morning Routine 

Every morning I wash and my moisturize my face with Lush Cosmetics products. For those of you that aren’t familiar with Lush, they are all-natural, mostly vegan, cruelty free products. You can find more information about the company on their website http://www.lush.com.

To be begin, I wash my face with Ultrabland Cleanser. It is made with essential oils, honey, and beeswax. It will take off makeup, residue, and it completely moisturizes my skin. I always take my makeup off at night, but I can see extra makeup residue after using this cleanser. It really works great! I used to use this in the morning and at night, but I like to use a different cleanser at night to actually let me skin dry out a little and dry up any pimples that might be forming (don’t worry, I still use moisturizer at night!) This cleanser is great for all skin types so even if you have oily skin, it’s supposed to balance it out.

After using Ultrabland Cleanser, I follow and end my morning routine with adding Skin Drink moisturizer by Lush. This is some serious moisturizer! I only use about half a dime’s amount, and it’s more than enough. Also, if you have acne problems (not the occasional blemish but actual problems), I wouldn’t recommend using this product since it is oil based. However, if you suffer from extremely dry skin, this is the moisturizer for you! For those of you with oily skin, I recommend Vanishing Cream Moisturizer. Most people with oily skin or acne think that moisturizer is the devil, but everyone should be moisturizing their face, no matter what kind of skin you have. A hydrated face is a happy face.

Night Routine

Before I re-upped my Lush products (I don’t have a store close to me and if I ever order online I end up spending over $100. Online shopping is too dangerous for me), I bought some Clinique products. I stopped using them once I got more Lush, but then I started using them at night every once in awhile. Finally, it became a regular routine after it started working!

The very first thing I do is use my Elf Makeup Remover Cleansing Cloths. I use this to take off my foundation and other facial products. They’re really cheap, and you can find them at any drugstore. This may seem obvious, but it’s incredibly important that you take off your makeup at night or before you go to sleep (even a nap).

After I take off my foundation, I use Clinique’s Take the Day Off makeup remover. I use a cotton ball to gently dab/rub off my eye and lip makeup. It’s soft and does the trick!

Liquid Facial Soap

Next, I wash my face with Clinique’s Facial Soap. It’s dermatologist developed, which I usually try and stay away from. There really isn’t any need to put chemicals on your face, which is one of the main reasons I use Lush products. However, I also do not believe in wasting anything you buy so I’ll use the product until its end. Unfortunately, this dries out  my skin a lot. This is the reason that I use the product at night. I have a tendency to sweat at night sometimes (for the past several years I’ve consistently had nightmares that make me sweat), and I think my dry skin compensates for the sweat. Plus, if I have any pimples making their way to the surface, they usually look much smaller or have gone away by the morning because they dried out.

Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel

I use Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel every night as well. As I previously mentioned, it’s incredibly important to moisturize your face after you wash it. This moisturizer doesn’t really make my face feel moisturized, but it does prevent it from feeling tight, so you know it’s working! It’s great for all skin types, and it’s oil free.

Finally, I use Lush’s Tea Tree Water over any blemishes I have. It’s supposed to keep skin clear of blemishes and balance skin tone. 90% of the time, my blemishes/pimples are gone the next morning after using this product!

So this is my daily cleansing routine. Every so often I use a face mask from Lush – you can find some great ones here. If you have any other questions or want to share your skin routines, please feel free to add a comment and share! I love hearing about new products and try different routines.

xo Abby

6 DIY Boyfriend Presents

Garrett, my boyfriend, and I have been together for several years now, and his birthday is this Thursday (yes, it’s on Halloween!) I ended up getting him a few things that I’m not necessarily proud of. Scratch that… that I’m not exactly impressed by. You see, I pride myself in my gift giving skills. I love finding the perfect gift for those that I care about. So while i know that Garrett will like the presents I have for him, I’m not especially impressed with my choices.

However, Christmas is coming up in only a few months, and I need to start thinking about what I want to get him now so I am not in the same position later! And, as I have mentioned, I am a college student living paycheck to paycheck, which will hopefully be ending soon as I have a job interview on Friday! I still want to get a gift that is thoughtfully picked out from the store, but I also want to do something handmade. Though I am not very artistic, I like to think of myself as crafty, so I’ve been thinking of some ideas for Christmas:

1. Since Christmas is close to the beginning of the new year, I want to create a “box of gifts.” What I mean by this, is buying gift certificates to 12 different places to do 12 different things together. For example, since January is fiercely cold, I could purchase him a $20 gift card to a local coffee shop where we would grab some hot chocolate and spend some time together. Included in this month would be a picture of a new pair of slippers (a must in the winter months – and he needs a new pair bad!) that we will purchase together. This is just an example, of course. I will need to do some planning. I was also thinking that this could be a perfect opportunity to do some scrapbooking, as I’ve always wanted to get into it.

2. My second idea is incredibly cheesy but still a cute idea that I would like to try. I’d like to make a little book/scrapbook featuring 100 reasons why I love him. I could include pictures and other memories. A spin off idea would be # of things I am grateful for in 2013, since the year is almost over. I think it would be cute to do 365 things I am grateful for in 2013 and reference one thing I was grateful for every day.

3. Garrett really wants to get a map of the world to hang on the wall. Personally, that’s not really my style. However, I usually take the lead on our decor so I’m thinking for Christmas I can get a world map for us and pin pictures of ourselves on the places that we’ve visited – pictures, ticket stubs, etc. I usually keep every little keepsake I can possibly muster up, and it drives him crazy. I think this would be a good way to keep me collections but make it useful.

4. I have a ton of mason jars. My mom cans vegetables and gives me millions of them. As I use them, I keep all of the mason jars (though, I’ve been meaning to give them back to her!) One of the gifts that I could do with mason jars is making it into a future vacation jar. It would be incredibly easy and would lead to a future gift! The jar would be used for extra change and after it’s full, we could use the money to go on a date, go to a hotel, visit a watermark or amusement park, etc. All that I would need to do is decorate the outside of the jar. Super easy and lots of fun!

5. A homemade recipe book. This might be something that will take longer than two months, but I think it would be a great idea. It could be items that we’ve already made and/or items that we’d like to make! It’s things like this that I really wish I were artistic.

6. Candles. Garrett LOVES candles. There are so many DIY recipes for candles that it would be incredibly easy, and it would be great to reuse jars from old candles or the mason jars that I have! It would be fun to dip dye them too to add color! I have so many crayons that I haven’t used and probably even more that are broken or completely worn down. What a great way to spice it up!

I’ll probably think of a million more, and I’ll definitely write them all down as the list grows!

If anyone has any ideas or DIY gifts that they have created, make sure to leave a comment! I’d love some inspiration.

xoxo Abby

P.S. Below is a picture of Garrett and me. It’s an incredibly old picture (I had blonde hair about a year ago!). I haven’t uploaded my photos for awhile, but I’m sure I’ll post more as time goes on.
